[Seminario] Seminario EDP Martes 26 mayo 4pm (via ZOOM)

Claudio Muñoz cmunoz en dim.uchile.cl
Lun Mayo 18 10:51:45 -04 2020

Estimadas, estimados:

Les invito cordialmente a un nuevo seminario de EDPs, el próximo *Martes 26
a las 3pm*, en la siguiente dirección ZOOM:

Password: 307390

*Speaker: Julio D. Rossi (UBA)*

*Title: Coupling and mixing local and nonlocal equations*

Abstract: In this talk we present a simple way of coupling a local and a
evolution equation in such a way that the usual properties (like existence
and uniqueness of solutions, conservation of the total mass, etc) are
Moreover, we study the limit as we homogenize this setting mixing the
in which local and nonlocal operators act.

(Based on joint works with A. Garriz (Madrid) and F. Quiros (Madrid) and
with M. Capanna (L'Aquila))

Saludos cordiales

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