[Seminario] seminario EDP 7 de agosto de 2019

matteo rizzi mrizzi1988 en gmail.com
Vie Jul 26 10:41:52 -04 2019

 Estimados Académicos(as) y Alumnos(as)

Se les invita para el miércoles 7 de agosto de 2019 a las 17:00 hrs.  al
seminario  de EDP, el cual tendrá lugar en Beaucheff 850-851,Felipe Álvarez
Daziano, V piso. Expondrá  Cristián González (IMPA).

> Title: The variation of maximal functions on Euclidean spaces and spheres.
>> Abstract: Maximal operators are central objects of study in harmonic
>> analysis. The most classical example is the Hardy-Littlewood maximal
>> operator (in both its centered and uncentered form) but there are also
>> other interesting ones, for instance the ones associated to a convolution
>> with a smooth kernel. In this introductory talk we will introduce the
>> sub-area of harmonic analysis that studies how the variation of a maximal
>> function behaves with respect to the initial data. We will discuss the
>> classical results in this topic (most of them dealing with the one
>> dimensional case) and later we will talk about some recent results that
>> deal with the higher dimensional case when restricted to radial data. Also
>> we will show some analogues of these problems when the domain of the
>> functions are non-trivial manifolds, in particular a recent result on the
>> d-sphere.
Esperando contar con su presencia, les saluda

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