[Seminario] seminario EDP 21/08/2019

matteo rizzi mrizzi1988 en gmail.com
Mar Ago 13 14:12:30 -04 2019

 *Estimados Académicos(as) y Alumnos(as),*

*Se les invita para el miércoles 21 de agosto a las 16:00 hrs, al Seminario
EDP, el cual tendrá*
* lugar en la Sala de Seminarios Felipe Álvarez Daziano, 5to piso, Torre
Norte de Beauchef 851. *

*Expositores: *

*Ky Duong Giao (U. Paris Nord) *

Título y resumen: ver atchivo adjunto.

*Panayotis Smyrnelis (Polish Academy of Sciences)*

Título: Connecting orbits in Hilbert spaces and applications to P.D.E.

Resumen: Functional Analysis methods are often useful to solve efficiently
P.D.E. problems. The idea is to view a solution of a P.D.E. as a map with
values in a space of functions, and reduce the initial P.D.E. to an O.D.E.
problem. I will establish a general theorem on the existence of
heteroclinic orbits in Hilbert spaces. As a first application, I will
present a new construction, in a more general setting, of the heteroclinic
double layers  (initially constructed by Schatzman). As a second
application, I will show the existence of the heteroclinic double layers
for a fourth order P.D.E.

Esperando contar con su presencia, les saluda cordialmente
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