[Seminario] INVITACIÓN SEMINARIO Seminario Modelamiento Estocástico / Núcleo MESCD, LUNES 13 DE NOVIEMBRE A LAS 16:00 HRS.

Maria Ines mrivera en dim.uchile.cl
Lun Nov 6 09:54:25 CLST 2017

Estimados Académicos y Alumnos,

Se les invita para el próximo lunes 13 de noviembre a las 16:00 hrs, al 
seminario *Seminario Modelamiento Estocástico / Núcleo MESCD*, este 
seminario tendrá lugar en la sala de Seminarios John Von Neumann CMM, 
Beauchef 851, Torre Norte, 7mo piso.

*Seminario Modelamiento Estocástico / Núcleo MESCD*

*Claire Delplanck*
*Postdoctorado CMM - Universidad de Chile***
Título: Intertwinings and Stein's method for birth-death processes *

In this talk, I will present intertwinings between Markov processes and 
gradients, which are functional relations relative to the 
space-derivative of a Markov semigroup. I will focus on the discrete 
case involving birth-death processes, and recall a first-order relation 
as well as introduce a new second-order relation for a discrete 
Laplacian. As the main application, new quantitative bounds on the Stein 
factors of discrete distributions are provided. Stein's factors are a 
key component of Stein's method, a collection of techniques to bound the 
distance between probability distribution.

Fecha: lunes 13 de noviembre, 16:00 hrs.
Lugar: Sala John Von Neumann piso 7 CMM

Esperando contar con su presencia, les saluda,

Ma. Inés Rivera

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